Syposium on Neuropsychology of thirst ( 1971 dec. 28 - 29 : Philadelphia), . (1973). The neuropsychology of thrist : new findings and advances in concepts. Washington: V.H. Winston & Sons.
Syposium on Neuropsychology of thirst ( 1971 dec. 28 - 29 : Philadelphia), . 1973. The neuropsychology of thrist : new findings and advances in concepts. Washington: V.H. Winston & Sons.
Syposium on Neuropsychology of thirst ( 1971 dec. 28 - 29 : Philadelphia), . (1973). The neuropsychology of thrist : new findings and advances in concepts. Washington: V.H. Winston & Sons.
Syposium on Neuropsychology of thirst ( 1971 dec. 28 - 29 : Philadelphia), . The neuropsychology of thrist : new findings and advances in concepts. Washington: V.H. Winston & Sons. 1973.