Clinical Conference Congenital Heart Disease ( 2ª : 1981 jan. 23 and 24 : Los Angeles C. A., Tucker B. L., Lindesmith G. G. & Takahashi M. e. (1982). Congenital heart disease. New York: Grune & Stratton.
Clinical Conference Congenital Heart Disease ( 2ª : 1981 jan. 23 and 24 : Los Angeles C A.), Tucker Bernard L, Lindesmith George G and Takahashi Masato ed. 1982. Congenital heart disease. New York: Grune & Stratton.
Clinical Conference Congenital Heart Disease ( 2ª : 1981 jan. 23 and 24 : Los Angeles C. A., Tucker B. L., Lindesmith G. G. and Takahashi M. e. (1982). Congenital heart disease. New York: Grune & Stratton.
Clinical Conference Congenital Heart Disease ( 2ª : 1981 jan. 23 and 24 : Los Angeles C A.), Tucker Bernard L, Lindesmith George G and Takahashi Masato ed. Congenital heart disease. New York: Grune & Stratton. 1982.