Catálogo - Centro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje y la Investigación

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The environment and you /

Christensen, Norm Leege, Lissa Juliana, Justin St.

The environment and you / Norm Christensen, Lissa Leege, Justin St. Juliana - 3ª edición - New York : Pearson Education, 2019 - xx, 676 páginas : ilustraciones a color ; 22 x 28 cm

1. Environment, sustainability, and science |
2. Environmental ethics, economics, and policy |
3. The physical science of the environment |
4. Organism and population ecology and evolution |
5. Human population growth |
6. Communities and ecosystems |
7. The geography of life |
8. Biodiversity conservation |
9. Climate change and global warming |
10. Air quality |
11. Water |
12. Agriculture and ecology of food |
13. Forest resources |
14. Nonrenewable energy and electricity |
15. Renewable energy and energy conservation |
16. Urban ecosystems |
17. Waste management |
18. The environment and human health |
19. The environment and you.


Política ambiental
Protección del medio ambiente

304.28 C554e 2019