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Glannon, Joseph W.,

The law of torts / Joseph W. Glannon - Quinta edición - New York : Wolters Kluwer, 2015 - xvii, 685 páginas - Examples and explanations .

1. Fundamental protection: The tort of battery |
2. The action for assaul: A tort ahead of its time |
3. Protecting the right of possession: Trespass to land |
4. Dueling remedies: Trespass to chattels and conversion |
5. False imprisonment: Protecting freedom of movement |
6. The far side of the coin: Classic defenses to intentional torts |
7. That odious character: The reasonable person |
8. Borrowing standards of care: Violation of statute as negligence |
9. A phrase in latin : Res Ipsa Loquitur |
10. Reconstructing history: Determining "cause in fact" |
11. Risks reconsidered: Complex issues in establishing factual cause |
12. Drawing a line somewhere: Proximate cause |
13. The elusive element of duty: Two principles in search of an exception |
14. Vicarious displeasure: Claims for indirect infliction of emotional distress and loss of consortium |
15. Caveat actor: Strict liability for abnormally dangerous activities |
16. Strict products liability: Basic theories of recovery |
17. More products liability: Common "defenses" to strict products liability claims |
18. Personal injury damages: The elements of compensation |
19. Compensating somebody: Wrongful death and survival actions |
20. Some legal anatomy: Thinking like a tort lawyer |
21. Joint and several liability: The classic rules |
22. Honor among thieves: Basic principles of contribution |
23. Please pass the liability: Respondeat superior and nondelegable duties |
24. The once and future defense: Assumption of the risk |
25. Casting the second stone: Comparative negligence |
26. The fracturing of the common law: Loss allocation in the comparative negligence era |
27. The pot at the end of the rainbow: Analyzing torts issues on an essay exam |
28. Dandelions in the bluebook garden: Six classic exam writing mistakes |
29. Practice makes perfect: Examples and explanations |


Daños morales --Estados Unidos
Daños y perjuicios--Estados Unidos
Indemnización judicial--Estados Unidos

346.7303 G545L 2015