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Rao, K. N. (Kotamraj Narayana), 1931- Rao, Ashu

Learn Hindu astrology easily/ K.N. Rao, K. Ashu Rao. - Tercera edición - New Delhi : Vani Publications, 2008 - 140 p. : il - Hindu astrology series .

Reimpresión, agosto 2008

This book has been written mainly for beginners who can learn Hindu astrology without having to learn anything by rote.They must do the exercises given at the end of each chapter systematically, again and again. There are many who have read many books on astrology and developed an incurable astrological constipation. It will be difficult for them to start with a clean slate as they cannot unlearn what they have. Yet, this book may help them remove some of the cobwebs in their minds. They have their minds cluttered with dogmas which they mistake for astrology


Astrologia Hindu
Astrología Hindu--Aprendizaje

133.59445 R215r 2008