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The american journal of pathology - Maryland : American Society for Investigative Pathology, 1976 - 173: 71(1) 1995 :146(1-6) 147(1-6) 1996: 148(1-6), 149(1, 3-6) 1997: 150(1-3), 151(2-5) 1998: 152(1-6), 153(1-6) 1999: 154(1-6), 155(1-6) 2000: 156(1-6), 157(1-6) 2001: 158(1-6), 159(1-6) 2002: 160(1-6), 161(1-2, 4, 6) 2003: 162(1-6), 163(1-4, 6) 2004: 164(1, 3-6), 165(1-6) 2005: 166(1-6), 167(1, 3-6) 2006: 168(3-6), 169(1, 2, 3, 6) 2007: 170(1, 2, 3) 2008: 172(1, 2, 3, 4) 173(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 2009: 174(1)



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