Catálogo - Centro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje y la Investigación

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  • Symposium on Inflamatory Diseases and Copper ( 1981 aug 10 - 13 : Arkansas)

Symposium on Inflamatory Diseases and Copper ( 1981 aug 10 - 13 : Arkansas) (Nombre de reunión)

Forma preferida: Symposium on Inflamatory Diseases and Copper ( 1981 aug 10 - 13 : Arkansas)

Machine generated authority record.

Work cat.: (DR-UNIBE)4547: Symposium on Inflamatory Diseases and Copper ( 1981 aug 10 - 13 : Arkansas), Inflammatory diseases and cooper : the metabolic and therapeutic roles of cooper and other essential metalloelements in humans : proceeding / , 1982