Ebert, Roger, 1942-2013

The great movies III / Great movies three Great movies 3 Roger Ebert - Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 2010 - xvii, 417 páginas ; 24 x 16 cm

3 Women |
Ace in the Hole |
Adaptation |
After Dark My Sweet |
After Hours |
The Age of Innocence |
Army of Shadows |
Atlantic City |
Au Revoir les Enfants |
Babel |
The Band Wagon |
Baraka |
The Battle of Algiers |
Bergman's trilogy 1: Through a Glass Darkly |
Bergman's trilogy 2: Winter Light |
Bergman's trilogy 3: The Silence |
The Best Years of Our Lives |
The Big Red One |
Blade runner: The Final Cut |
Cabiria |
Cat People |
Chimes at Midnight |
Chop Shop |
Three Cartoons |
Cool Hand Luke |
Crimes and Misdemeanors |
Crumb Dark City |
The Dead |
Diva |
Dog Day Afternoon |
The Double Life of Veronique |
Easy Rider |
El Norte |
El Topo |
The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser |
Exotica |
Fanny and Alexander |
Faust |
Fitzcarraldo |
Forbidden Games |
The God father: Part II |
The Great Dictator |
Groundhog Day |
Howards End |
Inherit the Wind |
Johnny Guitar |
Juliet of the Spirits |
Killer of Sheep |
La Belle Noiseuse |
L.A. Confidential |
The Last Picture Show |
Last Tango in Paris |
The Last Temptation of Christ |
Late Spring |
Leolo |
The Long Goodbye |
Magnolia |
The Marriage of Maria Braun |
Mephisto |
Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters |
Mon Oncle Antoine |
Moolaade |
My Fair Lady |
My Man Godfrey |
Nanook of the North |
Ordet |
Out of the Past |
Pans Labyrinth |
Paths of Glory |
The Phantom of the Opera |
Pixote |
Playtime |
A Prairie Home Companion |
Rebel Without a Cause |
The Red Shoes |
Ripleys Game |
The River (Le Fleuve) |
Rocco and His Brothers |
Safety Last |
Samurai Rebellion |
Sansho the Bailiff |
Santa Sangre |
The Scarlet Empress |
Secrets Lies |
The Shining |
The Terrorist |
The Thief of Bagdad |
Top Hat |
Triumph of the Will |
Vengeance Is Mine |
Waking Life |
Werckmeister Harmonies |
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? |
Withnail & I |
A Woman's Tale |
Woodstock |
WR: Mysteries of the Organism |
A Year of the Quiet Sun |

[Español] Una nueva recopilación de cien ensayos del crítico de cine donde presenta sus análisis de las películas que personifican los mejores ejemplos del arte cinematográfico. [English] A new compilation of one hundred essays by the film critic presents his analyses of the films that epitomize the finest examples of cinematic art

9780226182094 0226182096

Películas cinematográficas
Reseñas de películas cinematográficas

791.4375 E16g