Pitofsky, Robert, 1929-2018 Harvey, Jerome Goldschmid, 1940-2015 Wood, Diane Pamela, 1950-

Trade regulation : cases and materials Robert Pitofsky, Harvey J. Goldschmid, Diane P. Wood - Quinta edición - New York : Foundation Press ; Thomson Reuters, 2003 - xxxvii, 1358 páginas : 26 x 19 cm

Preaface |
Table of cases |
Chapter 1. The Objectives and Origins of Antitrust Law |
Chapter 2. Institutional Framework of Antitrust Policy |
Chapter 3. Market Structure and a First Look at the Problem of Monopoly Power |
Chapter 4. Competitor Collaboration on Price Fixing and Division of Markets |
Chapter 5. Group Refusals to Deal and Joint Ventures |
Chapter 6. Market Concentration, Conspiracy, and the Antitrust Laws |
Chapter 7. Vertical Restraints on Competition |
Chapter 8. Additional Limitations on a Single Firm Exercising Market Power |
Chapter 9. Mergers |
Chapter 10. Foreign Commerce and the U.S. Antitrust Laws |
Chapter 11. Price Discrimination and the Robison-Patman Act |
Appendix. Principal Antitrust Statutes

Regulación del comercio--Casos--Estados Unidos

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