International Symposium on Sitting Posture (1968 sep. 25th - 27th : Swiss Federal Institute of Tecnology Z., . (1976). Sitting posture = sitzhaltung posture asise. Londres: Taylor & Francis.
International Symposium on Sitting Posture (1968 sep. 25th - 27th : Swiss Federal Institute of Tecnology Zurich), . 1976. Sitting posture = sitzhaltung posture asise. Londres: Taylor & Francis.
International Symposium on Sitting Posture (1968 sep. 25th - 27th : Swiss Federal Institute of Tecnology Z., . (1976). Sitting posture = sitzhaltung posture asise. Londres: Taylor & Francis.
International Symposium on Sitting Posture (1968 sep. 25th - 27th : Swiss Federal Institute of Tecnology Zurich), . Sitting posture = sitzhaltung posture asise. Londres: Taylor & Francis. 1976.