International Congress of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (16th : aug. 25-29 1. . I. S., Bern L., . (1976). Congress of logopedics and phoniatrics, interlaken proceedings. Basel: Karger Publishers.
International Congress of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (16th : aug. 25-29 1974 Interlaken Switzerland), Bern Loebell, . 1976. Congress of logopedics and phoniatrics, interlaken proceedings. Basel: Karger Publishers.
International Congress of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (16th : aug. 25-29 1. . I. S., Bern L., . (1976). Congress of logopedics and phoniatrics, interlaken proceedings. Basel: Karger Publishers.
International Congress of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (16th : aug. 25-29 1974 Interlaken Switzerland), Bern Loebell, . Congress of logopedics and phoniatrics, interlaken proceedings. Basel: Karger Publishers. 1976.