Conference on carcinoma of the Oesophagus (1a : 1977 : jan 26 - 27 : Memorial Children' Hospital R. T., Silber W. e., . (1978). Proceedings. Cape Town: A. A. Balkema Publisher.
Conference on carcinoma of the Oesophagus (1a : 1977 : jan 26 - 27 : Memorial Children' Hospital Rondebosch,Cape Town), Silber W ed, . 1978. Proceedings. Cape Town: A. A. Balkema Publisher.
Conference on carcinoma of the Oesophagus (1a : 1977 : jan 26 - 27 : Memorial Children' Hospital R. T., Silber W. e., . (1978). Proceedings. Cape Town: A. A. Balkema Publisher.
Conference on carcinoma of the Oesophagus (1a : 1977 : jan 26 - 27 : Memorial Children' Hospital Rondebosch,Cape Town), Silber W ed, . Proceedings. Cape Town: A. A. Balkema Publisher. 1978.