International Symposium on Biochemistry of taste and olfation (1980 april 21 - 23 : Monell Chemical Senses Center), . (1981). Biochemistry of taste and olfaction. New York: Academic Press.
International Symposium on Biochemistry of taste and olfation (1980 april 21 - 23 : Monell Chemical Senses Center), . 1981. Biochemistry of taste and olfaction. New York: Academic Press.
International Symposium on Biochemistry of taste and olfation (1980 april 21 - 23 : Monell Chemical Senses Center), . (1981). Biochemistry of taste and olfaction. New York: Academic Press.
International Symposium on Biochemistry of taste and olfation (1980 april 21 - 23 : Monell Chemical Senses Center), . Biochemistry of taste and olfaction. New York: Academic Press. 1981.