Course of the International School of Medical Sciences (11º : 1980 mayo 3 - 11 : The Ettore Majorana Center for Scientific Culture E. I., . (1981). Investigation of brain function. New York: Plenum Press.
Course of the International School of Medical Sciences (11º : 1980 mayo 3 - 11 : The Ettore Majorana Center for Scientific Culture Erice Italy), . 1981. Investigation of brain function. New York: Plenum Press.
Course of the International School of Medical Sciences (11º : 1980 mayo 3 - 11 : The Ettore Majorana Center for Scientific Culture E. I., . (1981). Investigation of brain function. New York: Plenum Press.
Course of the International School of Medical Sciences (11º : 1980 mayo 3 - 11 : The Ettore Majorana Center for Scientific Culture Erice Italy), . Investigation of brain function. New York: Plenum Press. 1981.