Barltrop D., . (1975). Unigate paediatric workshop (2º : 1974 jun. : St. Andrews Place, London) paediatrics and the environment. Londres: Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine.
Barltrop Donald, . 1975. Unigate paediatric workshop (2º : 1974 jun. : St. Andrews Place, London) paediatrics and the environment. Londres: Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine.
Barltrop D., . (1975). Unigate paediatric workshop (2º : 1974 jun. : St. Andrews Place, London) paediatrics and the environment. Londres: Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine.
Barltrop Donald, . Unigate paediatric workshop (2º : 1974 jun. : St. Andrews Place, London) paediatrics and the environment. Londres: Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine. 1975.