International Meeting of Medical Advisers in the Pharmaceutical Industry (1972 apr : London), Jouhar A. J. & Grayson M. F. (1973). International aspects of drug evaluation and usage. Edimburgo: Churchill Livingstone.
International Meeting of Medical Advisers in the Pharmaceutical Industry (1972 apr : London), Jouhar A J and Grayson M F. 1973. International aspects of drug evaluation and usage. Edimburgo: Churchill Livingstone.
International Meeting of Medical Advisers in the Pharmaceutical Industry (1972 apr : London), Jouhar A. J. and Grayson M. F. (1973). International aspects of drug evaluation and usage. Edimburgo: Churchill Livingstone.
International Meeting of Medical Advisers in the Pharmaceutical Industry (1972 apr : London), Jouhar A J and Grayson M F. International aspects of drug evaluation and usage. Edimburgo: Churchill Livingstone. 1973.